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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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On Industrialization in Latin America
Democracy and development. Fernando H. Cardoso
The kaleidoscope of competitiveness Geraldo Müller
The privatization of public water utilities. Miguel Solanes
Can growth and equity go hand in hand? Joseph Ramos
Stability and structure: interactions in economic growth José María Fanelli and Roberto Frenkel
Globalization and restructuring the energy sector in Latin America Fernando Sánchez Albavera
Transnationalization and integration of production in Latin America Armando Di Filippo
Governance, competitiveness and social integration Fernando Calderón G.
Port privatization, labour reform and social equity Larry A. Burkhalter
New trends in wage policies Andrés Marinakis
Foreign trade and the environment: experiences in three Chilean export sectors Imme Scholz
The competitive challenge for Brazilian industry João Carlos Ferraz, David Kupfer, Lia Haguenauer
ECLAC and the sociology of development Enzo Faletto
The State, business and the restoration of the neoclassical paradigm A. Barros de Castro
Globalization and loss of autonomy by the fiscal, banking and monetary authorities Juan Carlos Lerda
The macroeconomic context and investment: Latin America since 1980 Graciela Moguillansky
The interplay of macro-and microeconomics. Gert Rosenthal
Economic policy, institutions and productive development in Latin America. Osvaldo Rosales
The Caribbean countries and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Trevor Harker, Sidya Ould El-Hadj and Lucio Vinhas de Souza
The Argentine experience: development or a succession of bubbles? Hugo Nochteff
Development thinking and policies: the way ahead. Gert Rosenthal
Macroeconomic policies for growth Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Capital flows: lessons from the Chilean experience Eduardo Aninat, Christian Larraín
Changes in the industrial development of Latin America José Miguel Benavente, Gustavo Crespi, Jorge Katz, Giovanni Stumpo
Foreign investment and competitive development in Latin America and the Caribbean Alejandro C. Vera-Vassallo
The restructuring of the Brazilian industrial groups between 1980 and 1993. Ricardo M. Ruiz
Restructuring of production and territorial change: a second industrialization axis in Northern Mexico. Tito Alegria, Jorge Carrillo, Jorge Alonso Estrada
Manufactured exports from small Latin American economies: the challenges ahead. Rudolf M. Buitelaar, Pitou van Dijck
Fiscal policy and the economic cycle in Chile. Carlos Budnevich, Guillermo Le Fort
An appraisal of capital goods policy in Argentina. Pablo Sirlin
Export promotion policies in Central America. Larry Willmore
Neo-liberal structural reforms in Latin America: the current situation. Joseph Ramos
Indebtedness and fiscal stability: is history repeating itself?. Guillermo E. Perry
Reforms in the oil industry: the available options. Fernando Sánchez Albavera
Trade policy within the context of the World Trade Organization. Diana Tussie
Trade and environment: green light or red light?. Helga Hoffmann
The public sector's role in Latin American development Ricardo Carciofi
The importance of local production and small-scale enterprises for Latin American development Francisco Alburquerque
Turns and skids of the Venezuelan economy José Miguel Benavente
Trade openness and structural change in the Brazilian motor industry Ruy de Quadros Carvalho, Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz, Flávia Luciane
How non-traditional are non-traditional exports? The experience of seven countries of the Caribbean Basin Alberto Gabriele
The ongoing history of a Chilean metal products and machinery firm Jorge Katz, Héctor Vera
Institutions and growth: can human capital be a link? Nauro Campos and Jeffrey B. Nugent
External capital flows in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s: experiences and policies Gunther Held and Raquel Szalachman
Fiscal policy, cycles and growth Ricardo Martner
The strategies pursued by Mexican firms in their efforts to become global players. Alejandra Salas-Porras
Growth, distributive justice and social policy. Andrés Solimano
Equity, foreign investment and international competitiveness Adolfo Figueroa
Tensions in Latin American structural adjustment: allocation versus distribution. Daniel M. Schydlowsky
Beyond the Washington Consensus: a view from ECLAC José Antonio Ocampo
A development strategy founded on natural resource-based production complexes Joseph Ramos
Big Latin American industrial companies and groups Celso Garrido and Wilson Peres
First World and Third World after the Cold War (49 Kb.) Eric Hobsbawm
Training and the small enterprises of Latin America (85 Kb.) Guillermo Labarca
Neoliberal reforms and macroeconomic policy in Peru (162 Kb.) Oscar Dancourt
The impact of public investment on private investment in Brazil, 1947-1990 (63 Kb.) Bruno de Oliveira Cruz and Joanílio R. Teixeira
Chile and its "lateral" trade policy (81 Kb.) Sebastián Sáez and Juan Gabriel Valdés S.
Restructuring in manufacturing: case studies of Chile, Mexico and Venezuela (90 Kb.) Carla Macario
Apparel-based industrialization in the Caribbean Basin: A threadbare garment? (122 Kb) Michael Mortimore
The in-bond assembly industry and technical change (135 Kb.) Rudolf M. Buitelaar, Ramón Padilla and Ruth Urrutia
ECLAC and the new growth theories (150 Kb pdf) Adela Hounie, Lucía Pittaluga, Gabriel Porcile and Fabio Scatolin
The industrial policy debate (126 Kb pdf) Bernardo Kosacoff and Adrián Ramos
Mercosur: its challenges to small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in terms of competition (87 Kb pdf) Francisco Gatto
Trade and growth in Chile (141 Kb pdf) Manuel R. Agosin
Argentina's Industrial Specialization Regime: new-generation industrial policy, or merely a transfer of resources? (68 Kb pdf) Pablo Sirlin
Comparative advantages and the exploitation of environmental resources (122 Kb pdf) Diego Azqueta and Daniel Sotelsek
The natural gas industry and its regulation in Latin America (123 Kb pdf) Humberto Campodónico
International financial reform: the broad agenda (151 Kb pdf) José Antonio Ocampo
Two challenges for the twenty-first century: achieving financial discipline and putting the internationalization process in order (92 Kb pdf) Robert Boyer
Labour costs and competitiveness in the Latin American manufacturing sector, 1990-1998 (97 Kb pdf) Víctor E. Tokman and Daniel Martínez
Technological maturity in the world petrochemical industry (205 Kb pdf) Javier Jasso Villazul