Introduction 43
2.1 Population dynamics 48
2.2 Labor force structure 52
2.3 Employment by economic activity 56
2.4 Unemployment 60
2.5 Poverty 64
2.6 Social indicators of poverty 70
2.7 Distribution of income or consumption 72
2.8 Assessing vulnerability 76
2.9 Enhancing security 80
2.10 Education inputs 84
2.11 Participation in education 88
2.12 Education effi ciency and completion 92
2.13 Education outcomes 96
2.14 Health: expenditure, services, and use 100
2.15 Disease prevention: coverage and quality 104
2.16 Reproductive health 108
2.17 Nutrition 112
2.18 Health: risk factors and future challenges 116
2.19 Mortality 120
Text figures and boxes
2a Progress toward gender parity in primary, secondary, and tertiary education is uneven
across regions 44
2b Achieving equal access to education for boys and girls leads to progress toward the
goal 44
2c Population estimates and enrollment rates 45
2d Sustainable statistical capacity is possible in low-income countries 45
2e Key gender performance indicators 47
2.5a Regional poverty estimates 67
2.5b Coverage of survey data by developing country region, 197881 to 200001 68
2.9a Poor people often benefi t less than wealthy people from public health spending 83
2.11a Access to education remains elusive, especially for poor children 91
2.13a In rural areas more children drop out of primary school, and girls are more
vulnerable 99
2.14a A severe maldistribution of health workers 103
2.15a Children with acute respiratory infection have bettter access to health care in
urban areas 107
2.19a Inequalities in health and use of health services in Burkina Faso, 1998 123